
    Full Name (required)

    Address (required)

    Phone/Mobile (required)

    Email (required)

    I agree to abide by the rules of the Ashhurst Memorial RSA Incorporated. The Ashhurst Memorial RSA Incorporated is non-secretarian and non-party political. (required)

    Membership is not open to any person who is also a member of any party, organisation, association or other body whose allegiances or objectives are inconsistent with those of the RSA movement. It is a prerequisite that members of the Ashhurst Memorial RSA Incorporated be of good standing and believe in the ideals of the RSA movement.

    Membership is:

    Returned Service Personnel

    Service Number

    Service Personnel including NZ Police

    Service Number


    and (Seconder)

    Nominate as a member of the Ashhurst memorial RSA Incorporated.